lost his hair|lose his hair in English

went bald

Use "lost his hair|lose his hair" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lost his hair|lose his hair" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lost his hair|lose his hair", or refer to the context using the word "lost his hair|lose his hair" in the English Dictionary.

1. But, if Hornswoggle lost, he would shave his hair.

2. Chemotherapy has thinned his hair; cancer has caused him to lose weight.

3. His hair covers his eyes.

4. His hoary hair showed his age.

5. 30 He has lost his hair and some teeth and appeared quite gaunt.

6. She trimmed his hair.

7. You may lose hair (alopecia

8. Ken raked his fingers through his hair.

9. His greasy hair repelled her.

10. Hair sprouted from his chest.

11. Tom towel-dried his hair.

12. His disheveled hair was dirty.

13. His hair is turning gray.

14. She ruffled his hair affectionately.

15. His hair is receding, too.

16. He smoothed his hair back.

17. 11 He's losing his hair .

18. Salvatore Combed his hair carefully

19. His hair was closely cropped.

20. Old age blanched his hair.

21. She smoothed his hair gently.

22. Hoppy ran his fingers through his unruly hair.

23. His hair was grey but with a trace of red hair remaining in his bushy eyebrows.

24. He combs his hair over his bald patch .

25. His wet hair was plastered to his head.